If you require a number of EV Charge Points (EV CP’s) to be installed in a car parking facility, then you will benefit by using our CMS to manage their operation for the follows reasons –
- Static power management to protect your electrical infrastructure against overloads leading to potential protection power trips.
- Dynamic load management to optimise electrical utility supply costs. Peak versus Off Peak charging, Peak supply load shedding etc.
- Allocate electrical utility charging costs to specific EV users or groups of users.
- All usage is metered against rfid tags allocated to specific users, and reports sent to the cloud (your dropbox).
- Connect to your dropbox for downloading of Tag/User period (normally monthly) usage data. Suitable for your client invoicing if needed.
- Email notification(s) to management, service personnel or users for CP fault or error conditions.
Typical CMS installation for static power management.
Power Management
Power management is a key feature of our CMS system. There are two scenario’s to consider, the first is simple static power limiting of your EV Chargers by the CMS to limit maximum power demand, as shown in the graph. The second is dynamic power limiting which means the maximum power limit is not fixed but will vary depending on external conditions, reducing power usage during peak cost periods is one obvious example.
CMS features
- Uses OCPP protocol V1.6 (support for V2.1 soon).
- Static and Dynamic power limiting.
- Several models available optimised for the number of CP’s and required power limiting.
- Web page viewable from your browser displays system status.
- Email sending for CP alarm or fault events.
- Individual rfid tags issued to users for CP operation.
- Charging session power usage data based on user rfid tag is saved.
- Linked to your own Cloud dropbox account.
- Dropbox receives EV user reports generated monthly.
- User configuration file updates done using dropbox. i.e. rfid tag# and user name.
- Optional NextG modem for internet connection.
- Remote internet access used for online tech support.
CMS system includes
- CMS controller with OCPP software pre-configured.
- Network switch with wifi for CP and Internet connection.
- Modbus TCP/IP or RS485 for communication with power meter(s).
- Electrical enclosure housing the items above ready for installation.
- Rfid tags, one per user.
CMS system requires
- Mains power 230Vac single phase 10Amp to electrical enclosure.
- Internet connection.
- Installation of CMS electrical enclosure.
- Authorisation of your dropbox connection.